LsL Instruments Carl Verheyen Signature

CV Special When our first Saticoy prototype was made, Lance figured that if he could get Carl’s attention THEN he would know that we were making a great guitar. You see, Carl Verheyen is a recognized S-Style guru and tone wizard. Carl has and continues to be one of the most sought after guitarists in […]

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Ronciswall Guitars Kamaitachi

“We are pleased to introduce our latest headless guitar model, the Kamaitachi. This model is the result of an extensive two-year development process. Throughout this period, we conducted numerous prototypes, particularly focusing on the composition of the armrest materials and rigorous crash tests to ensure structural integrity. Additionally, we meticulously explored various finishes to strike […]

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LsL Instruments Offset Baritone

In a series of what I would call very fortunate events, I have come upon the granddaddy of all Baritones! The LSL Instruments Silverlake HH 22 Fret Offset Baritone is an absolutely understated monster of rock! It was my good bud Adam Christianson of ARCHITECTS that turned me on to Baritones nearly a decade ago (My goodness […]

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Oni Guitars E Scale

E-scale is simply an evolution of the multiscale concept. E is for ergonomic and the exponential formula used to determine scale lengths. “In 2011, after building and playing multiscales for 6 or 7 years, I started looking more at their benefits and limitations. The areas where conventional parallel frets were superior, and how the best […]

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LsL Instruments Effects Pedals

LSL Instruments has been known for their dedication to building boutique guitars to the tune of 7000 instruments over the last 15 years! And now they have branched out into the highly competitive world of guitar effects pedals. However the funny thing is that LSL has no intention of competing with any particular brand on […]

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Brands We Carry

Here at Pyramid Guitars Co., integrity is everything. We believe quality trumps quantity, and we’re committed to achieving and maintaining the highest standards in boutique guitar-building. After hearing one too many horror stories from friends and fellow players who waited months – even years – for a custom guitar, only to receive a subpar instrument […]

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